As you enter our website, you will notice that it is a site designed for you:
- with salvation stories written by others who were saved in correctional facilities
- with encouraging devotionals to read, that were written by the justice-involved
- with exciting testimonies written by volunteers and Chaplains about how God was faithful to bless the men and women who are incarcerated
- with uplifting stories of successful reentries, where God gets the glory for providing the needs of His children
- with all the workshops and spiritual growth opportunities that you can take advantage of
- with helpful informational pages about statistics, trends, prison info, and general information to encourage you and the families of the justice-involved
- with posts from the Founder and Board Members about victories that God has claimed over the powers of darkness and the world, interesting topics, book reviews, videos, and general encouragement.

RELEASED FROM ADDICTION SPIRITUAL GROWTH JOURNAL is now available from Mulberry Tree Ministries. It is an exciting new book that promote being released from the control of addiction based on scriptural principles. If you are a Christian or know a Christian who has not been successful in recovery, RELEASED FROM ADDICTION addresses the resurrection power of Jesus, recovery paradigms, cravings, discipleship vs. sponsor, the three enemies of recovery: Satan, the world and your flesh, promised liberty in Christ, “Freedom In Transition” Steps to Recovery based on knowing God, and the need to stay close to Jesus through a discipline of reading of God’s Word. Freedom in Christ is possible.