Mulberry Tree Ministries

Strengths List

– Most Common Listed First

“We have discovered that people have several times more potential for growth when they invest energy in developing their strengths instead of correcting their deficiencies.” – Tom Rath, StrengthFinders 2.0

Strength Strength
1. Achiever 18. Analytical
2. Relator 19. Competition
3. Learner 20. Activator
4. Responsibility 21. Communication
5. Strategic 22. Connectedness
6. Input 23. Includer
7. Maximizer 24. Intellection
8. Focus 25. Belief
9. Arranger 26. Deliberative
10. Harmony 27. Futuristic
11. WOO 28. Consistency
12. Adaptability 29. Context
13. Restorative 30. Self-Assurance
14. Ideation 31. Significance
15. Empathy 32. Individualization
16. Positivity 33. Command
17. Developer 34. Discipline
